by Gene Costanza
1. Be bold but controlled. Paint with enthusiasm, but not chaos. Have a plan in mind for what you are doing. What was the reason you wanted to paint this? Always keep that reason at the forefront of your design plan.
2. It’s values. We all get tired of hearing that, preferring to find the “magic secret” to better painting. But if it’s not the right value, it is of little or no value.
3. Start now to study composition. In the long run, you will find that a good understanding of a good composition will take you further than painting with no purpose.
4. Going outside in the beginning is usually to practice the elements, or should be thought of that way. Plan your practice sessions to attack your personal weaknesses.
5. Stick with a limited palette as long as you can. Then when you add a color or value, you know why you want.

In case you missed it, listen to Gene Costanza’s interview with Eric Rhoads on this episode of the Plein Air Podcast!
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