
Two artists who move easily between outdoors and the studio share their work in “Two Views — Del-Bourree Bach and James Magner,” on display now through July 13 at Susan Powell Fine Art in Madison, Connecticut. 

Bach works small in the field — never larger than 6″ x 8″ — but works up larger pieces in the studio. “I find it challenging and stimulating to capture the feeling of a moment quickly,” he says.

“After the Storm,” by Del-Bourree Bach, acrylic, 6 x 8 in. This is the plein air piece that served as reference for “Mystical Seaport.”

“Holcom Farm View, Granby, CT,” by James Magner, oil, 8 x 12 in.

Magner finds and stresses dramatic lighting in his work.

For more information, visit the gallery’s website.


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