Stefan Baumann spent a considerable amount of time and effort filming a TV series titled “The Grand View,” and the care he took in filming the shows continues to pay dividends. After its airing on PBS, the series found a new home on CreateTV, a round-the-clock online channel that showcases content funded or aired by public TV entities. You can see it now.
Lead Image: Baumann’s painting of Giant Geyser in Yellowstone National Park
Interested folks can see the schedule here. Baumann’s episode featuring Northern Cascades National Park will air on October 25, and the episode featuring Great Basin National Park will show on October 28. PleinAir magazine is a proud sponsor.
National parks are dear to Baumann’s heart. As artists know, there are few better ways to experience a national park than plein air painting. “Painting outdoors, you can create a sense of place,” says Baumann. “One of the fallacies of photography is that when you are standing on the edge of a canyon, for example, the camera looks out, not down. To capture the essence of the Grand Canyon, for instance, you have to show that mile drop at your feet. You can create that feeling in a painting, whereas with a camera you cannot. In painting, you get a certain perspective from nature that is truly like being there.”