Two members of the Reno-Tahoe Plein Air Painters welcomed the new year by painting at the wetlands at the base of Slide Mountain. Take a look at the two artists enjoying a chilly, invigorating day!
Carol Jean Thompson’s easel and the painting she did looking to the southwest
“The day was a balmy 24 degrees, and there was snow on the ground and clinging to the mountains, but we enjoyed painting outdoors on New Year’s Day,” reports Carol Grigus. “Fortunately, there wasn’t any wind, the views were stunning, and we had a few laughs. It doesn’t get any better than this!” She and Carol Jean Thompson went to the south end of Washoe Lake to a parking lot where there is a boardwalk extending out over the marsh, from which visitors can get a better look at the wildlife. Carol Jean stayed in the parking lot, set up her French easel near the hatchback of her Subaru, and painted the views to the southwest while Carol set up her Soltek easel on the boardwalk and painted the marshlands and Slide Mountain. For more information, visit http://renotahoepleinairpainters.blogspot.com/ or www.carolgrigus.com.