Painters in Texas and those able to travel there may want to consider taking their easel to Hempstead, Texas, on November 22, for a reenactment of Civil War army camps at the Liendo Plantation.
The event will not just feature soldiers from both sides of the conflict, but will also offer actors portraying residents of the era grinding grain, plowing, spinning, and sewing. Re-enactors will put on a funeral, an execution, a military review, a ladies’ tea … and the two armies will present a battle with reports and smoke.
Civil War reenactors. Photo by MamaGeek /Wikipedia
“An event like this is a bonanza of visual information and a ‘research shortcut’ — the re-enactors have already done that for me as far as authentic dress and equipment,” points out Tina Bohlman, founder and chairman of the annual Paint Historic Waxahachie, a 10-day plein air event in Texas.
It’s good to see other plein air painters out painting when it’s less than perfect…
I’m very honoured Steve Doherty! I listened to your interview on the artistshelpingartists radioshow a while back. So I feel a bit acquainted. Here in Holland we/I wait for snow to finally fall!! So we can endure a bit more and paint paint paint this white phenomenon and its brown sky or purplish shadows! Thank you again,
Good luck and happy painting everyone!
Roos Schuring
Steve Doherty said on the show I mentioned, and I know it still because I quickly wrote this quote down(!): “Living and breathing ones commitment to nature = painting plein air”!!! THANKS Steve!!!
I too have painted in winter- on Monhegan Island as it happens- I am a water-based painter (acrylics, gouache, watercolor) – not oils, which makes it rather interesting- the less water used the better, since water of course freezes and when you get it back- it’s all gone. That’s happened. So use water sparingly and you can come up with some good stuff. Going to Cape Cod dune in P-Town as soon as the snow flies!
The real deal.