Plein air painting -
Durre Waseem, “Watching the Last Show,” oil, 16 x 20 in.

From the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association (LPAPA):

LPAPA’s “Town & Country” exhibition is a special juried exhibition of original works of art created by Signature and Artist Members of LPAPA. Two hundred entries were received for this prestigious show, with jurors Michael Obermeyer (Signature Member of LPAPA), Rosemary Swimm (LPAPA Executive Director), and Ludo Leideritz (owner Forest & Ocean Gallery) choosing over 45 original framed paintings created by LPAPA Signature and Artist Members for the show’s coveted spots.

Related: LPAPA: Town & Country Plein Air Exhibition Announced

In addition to the usual awards, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention, a new People’s Choice award was introduced through a LPAPA Facebook social media campaign where individuals were given the opportunity to vote for their favorite painting.

LPAPA is pleased to share the award winners:
1st Place was awarded to LPAPA Signature Member Durre Waseem, “Watching the Last Show” (shown at top)

Plein air painting -
Kathie Odom, “Holy Storage,” oil, 12 x 16 in.

2nd Place was awarded to LPAPA Signature Member Kathie Odom, “Holy Storage”

Plein air painting -
David Marty, “Waking Up,” oil, 12 x 16 in.

3rd Place was awarded to LPAPA Artist Member David Marty, “Waking Up”

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Jeanne LaRae Lagano, “Solitude,” oil, 20 x 16 in.

Honorable Mention Award given to LPAPA Artist Member Jeanne LaRae, “Solitude”

Plein air painting -
Jason Sacran, “Surf Shack,” oil, 20 x 12 in.

Honorable Mention Award given to LPAPA Signature Member Jason Sacran, “Surf Shack”

Plein air painting -
Jane Hunt, “Lafayette Sunrise,” oil, 16 x 8 in.
Plein air painting -
Jason Sacran, “Main Beach Nocturne,” oil, 18 x 14 in.

People’s Choice Award ended in a tie. Awards were given to LPAPA Signature Members Jane Hunt, “LaFayette Sunrise,” and Jason Sacran, “Main Beach Nocturne”

For show details:

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