Julia Munger Seelos, “Edge Of the Bay Capitola,” oil, 8 x 10 in.

Landforms (plein air paintings) by Julia Munger Seelos
Through March 31, 2018
Viewpoints Gallery (Los Altos, California)

From the gallery:
Julia Munger Seelos’ newest exhibition is a survey of oil paintings, primarily painted en plein air at locations throughout the West. This breathtaking exhibition features images of striking landscapes of red sandstone in the parks of Utah and Arizona.

Julia Munger Seelos, “Fortress,” oil, 12 x 12 in.

Julia completed works at the Celebration of Art at the Grand Canyon, Escalante Plein Air, and Zion Plein Air. Additional pieces are from Lee’s Ferry on the Colorado River and Maynard Dixon’s homestead in Mt. Carmel.

These plein air paintings, featuring warm colors, are contrasted with cool paintings of the California coast, crashing waves on stark cliffs above the blue Pacific and rolling golden hills with soft green oaks. “I hope to bring the beauty of the outdoors home through my work, creating a safe place to refuel the spirit,” says Julia. Her exhibition beautifully reflects this goal.

Julia Munger Seelos, “Angry Sea,” oil, 9 x 12 in.

Julia’s work won awards in 2017 in the Capitola Plein Air exhibit, the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association “National Parks” and “Less Is More” exhibits, and the Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association Signature Show.

Julia Munger Seelos, “Juniper Passage,” oil, 12 x 12 in.
Julia Munger Seelos, “Lee’s Ferry Grandure,” oil, 10 x 20 in.

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