Plein Air Salon - John Buxton
"An American Heritage" by John Buxton, First Place Overall

Tim Newton, CEO of Salmagundi Club, has revealed his selections for the winners in the PleinAir Salon bi-monthly art competition.

Congratulations to the winners of the December-January 2019 PleinAir Salon! The 1st Place Overall winner is shown above; keep scrolling to see more winners and learn how to enter your best paintings and drawings today!

Plein Air Salon - Tia Kratter
“En Pointe” by Tia Kratter, Second Place Overall
Plein Air Salon - Kamille Corry
“Half Light,” by Kamille Corry, Third Place Overall
Plein Air Salon - George Politis
“Door in China” by George Politis, Best Plein Air Work Only

View the rest of the PleinAir Salon winners at

Note: Judges are not provided with contestant names.

Tim Newton is Founder and Curator of American Masters, an annual exhibition and sale at the famed Salmagundi Club in New York City. Since its inception in 2008, the show has become one of the premier events for representational art.

Widely acknowledged for his discerning eye, his art collection has been featured in several national magazines. He is a frequent judge of national and international shows and competitions.

Tim is a sought-after commentator on the subject of art and collecting. In May of 2017 he was invited to China to speak at the prestigious China Central Academy of Art in Beijing and the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in Tianjin. He is frequently a featured speaker at museums and events.

He is a volunteer at the Salmagundi Club where he is serving his fourth term as Chairman of the Board and CEO. During his tenure, Tim has led Salmagundi through eight years of unprecedented growth.

The February-March PleinAir Salon, judged by Elizabeth Harris, Director of InSight Gallery, has begun. But hurry, this competition ends on March 15, 2019. Enter your best art in the PleinAir Salon here.

First place will receive a cash prize, plus all winners will be entered into the judging for the annual cash prizes, including the $15,000 grand prize for the best painting of the year. Could you be the next winner of the $15,000 grand prize or one of many cash prizes? Plus, as the grand prize winner, your painting could be on the cover of PleinAir magazine.

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  1. En plein air is a French expression that means “in the open air.” It is used by artists to describe the art of outdoor painting, capturing landscapes and views in natural light. … These plein air painting techniques apply to both plein air oil painting and plein air watercolor.

    Most of these were done in the studio from a photograph. I see this time and time again with these contests. Horses shit! What about the people who actually painted something outside and paid the $$$$ entry fee to this thing. PleinAir Salon! What a fucking joke

    • I agree, it’s weird for a contest about painting from life outdoors. It’s easy enough to fall into ‘why bother’ as it is. There were great outdoor painting with life among the 1401 images submitted. Too bad one can’t view all those entrants in this latest post to see what the juror passed over.
      John Buxton is a Salmagundi club member whose work is most likely familiar to Tim Newton, so the disclaimer about no names revealed is humorous too.

  2. When I read the above two opinions I wondered what Jack Ebel and Glenn Perry:’s work looked like. Both had exceptionally beautiful work from life. No sour grapes there! The rules do say you can work from a photo.. it is clear that the winners do have a lot of working from life experience. I think Jack and Glenn should keep entering shows because they are fabulous artists and should receive recognition for being outstanding. I look at it like sports. Sometimes the referees make calls we don’t like or don’t see the obvious. But eventually the champs will win. Please
    Continue to bless the world with you vision so skillfully painted.

  3. Hi everyone! Just thought I’d share the official competition rules here to help clear things up:

    “Because this competition is created by PleinAir magazine, which features not only plein air paintings, but also studio paintings, all types of paintings are eligible and do not need to have been completed in plein air, but should originate from a plein air study or plein air experience. As we know, many studio paintings start with plein air sketches. Our interest is in rewarding great paintings.”

    The complete rules are listed at


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