
– Jeanne Mackenzie reporting –

In this series, plein air painter and instructor Jeanne Mackenzie takes a look at new paintings by contemporary artists and points out why they succeed as painted images. This week, Margie Guyot’s ” Rogers Road—South of East Jordan.” 

Lead Image: “Rogers Road—South of East Jordan,” by Margie Guyot, oil on birch panel, 8 x 10 in.

It is always fun to see the comparison of the plein air to the subject. This is a great composition. The little cross street near the tree helps to break up the long diagonal that swoops into the painting. The edges of the road are nicely broken up making it less of a hard line. And the road has wonderfully colorful greysnot just black and white. The viewer would be looking down into the depth of the grasses in the foreground so they could be a bit darker close up. That darker to lighter in the grasses might act as another nice lead-in to the tree. The artist’s tree shape is a great anchor, and taking the shape off the top helps to keep your eye in the painting. The light colored bush helps to add lively detail.


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