Palm Beach County was the destination for many top-flight plein air painters last week, when the Lighthouse ArtCenter hosted its second annual plein air festival. The winners?
“The Mighty Banyan,” by Jason Sacran, 2015, oil, 14 x 18 in. Grand Prize winner
Jason Sacran won the Grand Prize for his oil painting “The Mighty Banyan,” while Neal Hughes took First Place. Shelby Keefe won Second Place, and Ken DeWaard won Third. Deborah Lazar won Honorable Mention.
Co-chair Ralph Papa congratulates Carl Bretzke on his First Place win in the Quick Draw competition. Photo by David R. Randell Photographics
Most of the winners at the Lighthouse event, from left, Deborah Lazar, Katie Deits (Lighthouse ArtCenter executive director), Marisa Pascucci (judge and curator at the Boca Raton Museum), Neal Hughes, Violeta de la Serna (of PleinAir magazine), Ken DeWaard, Jason Sacran, Ted Matz (co-chair of the event), Shelby Keefe, Joseph W. Palmerio, Charles Dickinson, Marilyn Muller. Photo by David R. Randell Photographics
In the Quick Draw, Carl Bretzke won First Place, Joseph W. Palmerio took Second, and Charles Dickinson and Marilyn Muller shared Third Place.
Paintings at the exhibition for the Lighthouse ArtCenter Plein Air Festival. Photo by David R. Randell Photographics
The opening. Photo by David R. Randell Photographics
Check out these eye-popping numbers: 50 artists were juried in from 18 states, and they painted 207 pieces. About 38 of those paintings sold. Sixty-eight painters participated in the Quick Draw competition, 26 of them from outside the pool of juried artists, and 51 of the total pieces from the Quick Draw sold…. and the paintings were still selling at press time.