If you feel like joining organized plein air events abroad this summer, you might consider joining other dedicated outdoor painters in Ireland (July 29-August 6) or Ecuador (August 28-September 7).
One of the dramatic scenes painted during the 2012 Art in the Open event
For the sixth year, charming villages and historic towns in the southeastern region of Ireland will be populated with plein air painters from around the world, participating in the Art in the Open Festival. The event has become a popular destination for a lot of top American, English, Irish, and European artists who are charmed by towns like Wexford, Bunclody, Ballyhack, Ballymore, and Enniscorthy. Several workshops will also be offered in connection with the event, and a quick draw on August 3 will bring out collectors, news media, and area residents. For more information, visit www.artintheopen.org.
A mountain scene in Ecuador
If you want to paint volcanoes, cowboy ranches, colonial architecture, costumed figures, and roses, consider joining a workshop in Ecuador being organized by Plein Air South America. Joe Anna Arnett will be teaching the 10-night/11-day, all-inclusive plein air workshops, open only to 12 artists and a limited number of non-painters. For more information, visit www.pleinairsouthamerica.com.
OK, since no one knew I have a collection…
Nancy Guzik, Kyle Stuckey, Ralph Oberg, Rosemary Ladd, Kevin MacPherson, Michael Malm, Dennis Sheehan – and a watercolor that I started and Richard Schmid finished and signed… but this was an unexpected event.
I have many other paintings by not-so-famous, but great artists, just the same.
Well, I guess I’ll join in with Lori Woodward. I also started collecting without an intent at doing so. After buying the first one, my husband and I “got hooked.” We buy only what we enjoy. Honestly, I think I enjoy buying art more than painting it (I think.) Try it, you’ll like it. Here is the “name dropper” list: 2 Johanna Harmons, 2 Mike Malms, 1 Morgan Weistling, 1 Schmid, 3 Gabor Svagriks, 1 J.M. LaRue, 3 Russian paintings, 14 Phil Becks,1 Michael Maczuga, 2 John Burtons, 1 Clayton Beck III, 1 Henry Stinson.
I love this post! Recognized Jerome the right away as a great guy and wonderful artist… Also one who seems to have a very paintable face because almost every artist I admire has painted him!!
I love this post! Recognized Jerome the right away as a great guy and wonderful artist… Also one who seems to have a very paintable face because almost every artist I admire has painted him!!
I love this post! Recognized Jerome the right away as a great guy and wonderful artist… Also one who seems to have a very paintable face because almost every artist I admire has painted him!!
I love this post! Recognized Jerome the right away as a great guy and wonderful artist… Also one who seems to have a very paintable face because almost every artist I admire has painted him!!
Yes, I love to collect artists whom I know personally and sometimes trade a painting.
Yes, I love to collect artists whom I know personally and sometimes trade a painting.
Fabulous article! My collection began at Greenhouses’ Salon International banquet when I WON a Kathryn Stats painting. Since, I’ve been able to collect paintings by Quang Ho, Carolyn Anderson, Clayton Beck, Kathy Anderson, Dennis Sheehan, and have my eye on many other artists associated with American Impressionist Society.