Nancy Takersley (center) teaching during a workshop on the island of Curacao

“We hereby invite all of your plein air artists to come to Curacao to participate in our Plein Air Curacao Art Festival from February 22-March 2, 2013,” writes Hellen Chirino-Roosberg. This will be the third time artists have gathered to paint on the colorful island.

Stewart White painting a shoreline scene in watercolor

Stephen Griffin painting in Curacao

Roger Dale Brown painting along the shoreline

“We are a non-profit organization for promoting plein air art and artists and keep this festival every other year,” Helen Chirino-Roosberg explains. “If you visit our website,, you will find the program and more information. We made sure the costs were kept to the bare minimum for the foreign artists. Our organization is paying for most of the sightseeing and other local expenses. However, each participant must pay their own airfare. Hotel, food, and transport are at special prices. Artsy regards and ‘bon bini’ (welcome) to Curacao and to Plein Air Curacao.”


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