PleinAir Podcast 160: Tom Hughes on the Importance of Camaraderie and More
In this episode Eric interviews Tom Hughes, winner of the 2019 Plein Air Salon. Hughes shares how his life has changed in the past year, and much more.
PleinAir Podcast 159: John Hughes on Color in Landscape Paintings and More
In this episode Eric interviews John Hughes, who is a painter, teacher, and a guest writer for Plein Air Magazine and Plein Air Today.
PleinAir Podcast 158: Jay Moore on Landscape Painting Techniques and More
In this episode Eric interviews Jay Moore, who had a serious near-death experience while painting outdoors.
PleinAir Podcast 157: Attorney Sam P. Israel on Copyright Law for Artists
In this episode Eric interviews Sam P. Israel, art attorney and managing partner of Sam P. Israel P.C. Eric and Sam discuss how to protect your rights as an artist, how to control how your work is used, and make sure that others aren't commercially exploiting your work.
PleinAir Podcast 156: Oil Painter Chuck Waldman on Art Materials and More
In this episode, we welcome landscape oil painter Chuck Waldman, who was a family practitioner before he became a full-time artist.
PleinAir Podcast 155: Part 2 of the T. Allen Lawson Interview
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, listen to the second half of this fascinating interview with Tim Allen Lawson.
PleinAir Podcast 154: T. Allen Lawson on Artist Struggles, Painting, and More
This week, Eric Rhoads welcomes one of the most prominent plein air painters in America, Tim Allen Lawson.
PleinAir Podcast 153: Raleigh Kinney on Painting with Watercolor, and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads welcomes watercolor artist Raleigh Kinney to the show. Raleigh tells us what he uses to enhance the color of his watercolor paintings, and why he doesn't put them behind glass.
PleinAir Podcast 152: Mitch Baird on Value, Color Temperature, and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews representational landscape painter Mitch Baird.
PleinAir Podcast 151: William Scott Jennings on Painting Values, Color, and More
A talented painter who is also great at explaining painting techniques, William Scott Jennings joins Eric Rhoads for this episode of the PleinAir Podcast. Jennings paints large-scale landscapes and is passionate about painting outdoors. “No matter how good you are - or aren't - you learn,” he says.
PleinAir Podcast 150: London-Based Landscape Painter David Curtis
In this PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, you’ll be inspired by David Curtis, who is a member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists and the Royal Institute of Oil Painters. Essentially a "plein air" and figurative painter, working in both oil and watercolor, he is the author of numerous books and has work in collections all over the world.
PleinAir Podcast 149: Icon John Stobart on Painting, Life as an Artist, and More
Plein air artist and icon John Stobart turns 90 next month. In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, John shares what he has learned from a lifetime of living as an artist. He includes how he overcame the adversity of being told as a young man, "You're never going to put bread on the table with that kind of work.”
PleinAir Podcast 148: Mark Boedges on Painting Greens and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews landscape painter Mark Boedges, who explains why he tends to avoid greens even though they show up in his landscape paintings.
PleinAir Podcast 147: Teio Meedendorp on the True Life of Van Gogh
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, gain fascinating insights from the world’s leading expert on Vincent Van Gogh.
PleinAir Podcast 146: Molly Siple on Building Your Art Career and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, contemporary art historian and author Molly Siple talks about building your art career, and much more.
PleinAir Podcast 145: Matt Ryder on Painting in the Desert and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, meet British artist Matt Ryder, who is a full-time artist working in Dubai, UAE.
PleinAir Podcast 143: Haidee-Jo Summers on Brushwork, Finding Painting Subjects, and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, UK artist Haidee-Jo Summers tells us about her brushwork techniques for plein air, and much more!
PleinAir Podcast 142: Sharon Bamber’s 1,000-Mile On-Foot Painting Journey
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, discover the story of Sharon Bamber, who walked - and painted - 1,000 miles with a donkey across the mountains of France and Spain.
PleinAir Podcast 141: Scott Gellatly on Color, Oil Paints, and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, you’ll learn more about paint than you thought you needed to know, especially if you want your paintings to last for future generations.
PleinAir Podcast 140: Ken Salaz on Painting Waterfalls, Scumbling, and More
In this week’s PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, you’ll learn the anatomy of painting a waterfall, the tradition of seekers of beauty, how Ken Salaz became a non-criminal pick-pocket, and much more.