Home Plein Air Podcast

Plein Air Podcast

Listen to the Plein Air Podcast, hosted by Publisher Eric Rhoads. Each week Rhoads features a new artist to discuss the world of painting outdoors, the business side of art, and more.

PleinAir Podcast - Pierre Guidette Savoir Faire - OutdoorPainter.com

PleinAir Podcast 176: Pierre Guidetti on the History of Savoir-Faire and More

In this episode Eric chats with Pierre Guidetti, CEO and co-founder of Savoir-Faire, which makes the original paints used by the first Impressionists. If you paint with oil, you do not want to miss this interview.
Mike Hernandez, featured in the PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads

PleinAir Podcast 208: Mike Hernandez on Channeling Fear and More

In this episode of the Plein Air Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews plein air painter and former production designer for DreamWorks Animation Mike Hernandez. Mike shares how he learned to channel his fear into creative energy and the related near-death experience that left him thinking, "What am I doing? I wanted to be an artist." This story will have your palms sweating.
Plein Air Podcast Eric Rhoads - Kathryn Stats

Plein Air Podcast 241: Kathryn Stats on Color Mixing and More

In this episode of the Plein Air Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews an incredible master artist, Kathryn Stats.

PleinAir Podcast: Episode 27 – Scott Prior and the Question, “Who are you?”

In this episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Publisher Eric Rhoads talks with renowned painter Scott Prior. In addition to discussing the artist's background, Prior...

PleinAir Podcast: Episode 59 — Shelby Keefe and the State of Plein Air

In this episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Publisher Eric Rhoads chats with nationally known painter Shelby Keefe. During this engaging interview, Rhoads and Keefe discuss the artist’s go-to techniques and tricks, her life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the current state of plein air interest in the world today. All this and more here!
PleinAir Art Podcast - Keiko Tanabe - OutdoorPainter.com

PleinAir Art Podcast Episode 91: Keiko Tanabe

Eric Rhoads interviews watercolor landscape artist Keiko Tanabe in this new podcast.
PleinAir Podcast - OutdoorPainter.com

PleinAir Podcast 123: Utah Landscape Painter David Dibble on Composition and More

The landscape compositions of David Dibble, who tells the story of his heritage through art, are second to none. In this PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, they discuss art inspiration, the keys to getting the most out of an art workshop, and much more.
Chuck Waldman on the PleinAir Podcast - OutdoorPainter.com

PleinAir Podcast 156: Oil Painter Chuck Waldman on Art Materials and More

In this episode, we welcome landscape oil painter Chuck Waldman, who was a family practitioner before he became a full-time artist.

PleinAir Podcast 187: Georgia Mansur on Acrylic Plein Air Painting and More

In this week's Plein Air Podcast, Eric interviews Georgia Mansur, an American artist living and working in Australia for most of her life - you don't want to miss this one!
Plein Air Podcast - Eric Rhoads and Matt Ryder

Plein Air Podcast 219: Matt Ryder on Plein Air in Dubai

Eric Rhoads interviews Matt Ryder on what life is like as an artist in Dubai, including painting in excessive temperatures and the landscape scenery; plus, mastering values, using photos, and pushing yourself to the next level.
Plein Air Podcast with Eric Rhoads and Jennifer McChristian

Plein Air Podcast 252: How Jennifer McChristian’s Military Background Influences Her Art, and more

Listen to the newest PleinAir Podcast, featuring PleinAir Salon Grand Prize Winner Jennifer McChristian, who shares ...

PleinAir Podcast: Episode 6 – Eric Rhoads with Albert Handell

In this week's episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Publisher Eric Rhoads interviews pastel artist Albert Handell, who talks about life as an artist, pastel...

PleinAir Podcast: Episode 38 – Bill (William) Davidson and Life’s Path to Art

In this episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Publisher Eric Rhoads interviews artist William (Bill) Davidson, a signature member of the Oil Painters of America and American Impressionistic Society. Davidson and Rhoads consider a range of important topics, including losing one's ego, the importance of value, and what to do when life says "You should be an artist!"
Paintings by Jennifer McChristian | PleinAir Art Podcast with Eric Rhoads

PleinAir Art Podcast Episode 70: Jennifer McChristian

The latest PleinAir Art Podcast with Eric Rhoads features award-winning artist Jennifer McChristian, whose passion for being outdoors naturally led her outside of her studio walls.
Plein air painting - OutdoorPainter.com

PleinAir Podcast Episode 102: Richard Lindenberg

In the latest PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews Richard Lindenberg, who explains that being a professional artist isn’t something he’d recommend for everyone. See why when you listen here.
Art in the Open - Ireland - PleinAir Podcast

PleinAir Podcast 134: Ireland’s Plein Air Event, “Art in the Open”

Eric Rhoads interviews three organizers from Ireland’s prominent plein air event, “Art in the Open,” which starts Saturday, July 27.
Jay Abraham - PleinAir Podcast

PleinAir Podcast 166: Jay Abraham on Selling Art Through a Crisis

In this special edition, Eric interviews Jay Abraham on what artists and galleries should be doing right now to stay in business during the pandemic.
Plein Air Podcast - Cynthia Rosen artist

PleinAir Podcast 198: Cynthia Rosen on Painting with a Palette Knife and More

In this episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Eric interviews artist Cynthia Rosen, who is known for her colorful palette knife landscape paintings and her "no-fear" approach.
Plein Air Podcast 230: CW Mundy (Part 1) on Impressionism + Pop Art, and more

Plein Air Podcast 230: CW Mundy (Part 1) on Impressionism + Pop Art, and...

The Plein Air Podcast has been named the #1 Painting Podcast by FeedSpot for two years in a row. In this episode, Eric Rhoads interviews...
Plein Air Podcast - Eric Rhoads and Andrew Tischler

Plein Air Podcast 263: Andrew Tischler, New Zealand Artist and Influencer

In this episode of the Plein Air Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews Andrew Tischler, a talented artist and influencer based in New Zealand. They discuss Andrew's artistic journey, his passion for plein air painting, the influence of his father's artistic legacy, and more.