A recent event in the Blackstone Valley area benefited Alternatives, a nonprofit based in Whitinsville, Massachusetts, and left participating artists feeling like they made a difference.
Painters along the Blackstone River
The Blackstone Valley Plein Air Competition and Festival was held September 28 and 29, and sales from the event went to help fund services for individuals with developmental or psychiatric disabilities. “I enjoyed exploring the beauty and interest of the area, and it was fun to meet and paint with all the talented artists who participated,” says artist Judy Greulich. “The Alternatives organization seems to do wonderful work in the community, and I was happy to be associated with such a good cause.”
Gerard Blouin worked near the Mill Dam
Michael Rogan won First Prize and $1,000, while Carol Arnold took Second Prize and Eli Cedrone won Third. The Quick Draw competition was won by David Tutwiler. Charles Movalli served as judge for the event. Twenty-seven artists participated.
Another participant in the Blackstone Valley event was Carrie Nixon.
“This first competition was a success in most every way,” says Tom Saupe, director of community outreach for Alternatives. “The artists enjoyed the event and produced wonderful work; the reception and auction were successful within expectations for a first-time event; and most importantly, the public, including the artists, had an opportunity to interact with and get to know some of the people we serve who volunteered for the event. We are already making plans for next year.”