
The Sedona Plein Air Festival produced winners in four separate areas, including a new one that focused on the human figure in its Speakeasy Salon.
In that event, artists painted models from life in a somewhat bohemian indoor setting. Libby Caldwell won Best of Show with “Soloman II,” earning a half-page ad in Fine Art Connoisseur. The People’s Choice award earned Carl Ortman $300 for “The Story Teller”; a similar cash award went to Michele Byrne for her piece “Showtime Coco.” RayMar Art awarded $200 cash and a $200 gift certificate to Robert Lemler for “The Phone Call.”

Charlie Hunter hard at work. Photo by Kelli Klymenko

Michele Byrne painting during the Speakeasy Salon portion of the event. Photo by Kelli Klymenko

The Main Street Paint Out yielded two winners — Michael Chesley Johnson won the prize from Gamblin Artists’ Colors, and John P. Lasater IV won one from Guerilla Painter.

“Showtime Coco,” by Michele Byrne, 2015, oil, 9 x 12 in. Winner of the Sedona Arts Center Award.
Photo by Kelli Klymenko

Carl Ortman. Photo by Kelli Klymenko

Another event was a paint out at L’Auberge Creekside. Charlie Hunter won the Gamblin Artists’ Colors prize there, with Bruce Gomez winning the Guerilla Painter prize. Joshua Been, Shonto Begay, Betty Carr, Brad Holt, and Jim Wodark won $100 gift certificates from King of Frames for their work.

John Lasater. Photo by Kelli Klymenko

Joshua Been draws a crowd and enjoys a stunning backdrop in Sedona. Photo by Kelli Klymenko

In the main event, John P. Lasater IV won Best of Show for “Blacksmith’s Yard,” earning him $500 and a half-page ad in PleinAir magazine. Jason Sacran won Collectors’ Choice for “Sedona Dusk,” and Charlie Hunter won Artists’ Choice for the body of work he created at the Sedona Plein Air Festival. J. Brad Holt’s piece “Cathedral Buttes” was selected for the Image Award, and it will be used in marketing the 2016 edition of the festival. Bill Cramer’s “Parting the Waters” earned him the Water in the Desert Theme award. Merit Awards went to Charlie Hunter, Shelby Keefe, Jason Sacran, Will Tapia, and Jim Wodark.


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