Dina Gregory
“Whitewater on the Paluxy”
11 x 14
[email protected]
Dina is a native Texas. Being a Plein Air Pastel Artist fits in well with her love of the outdoors. Big Bend, Palo Duro Canyon, Texas Hill Country and her own Bosque county acreage are some of her favorite places to paint in Texas.
She has a degree in art from the University of North Texas. She is a Signature Member of the Outdoor Painters Society, The Pastel Society of the Southwest and the Plein Air Artists of Colorado. She also is a member of the PSA, the AWA and AIS.
Strong values are what you see best in a pastel painting by Dina Gregory. Nature is in constant change and she captures that moment in time and the connection it poses between the spirit and the land. Dina has painted areas that were later destroyed by flood or drought. So, there is a piece of history in Plein Air work that documents an area that has changed or no longer exists. This is important to her Plein Air journey.
[email protected]