Plein air watercolor paintings
Francesco Fontana, “The Well, Elba,” 2017, watercolor, 11 1/2 x 15 1/2 in., Available from artist, Plein air

In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote from a recent issue.

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: “The Well, Elba”

“For me, watercolor’s natural relation to water encourages a deep connection to the landscape. I especially love to use watercolor for seascapes and marina paintings because of its ability to mimic the transparency of water. I also feel that watercolor is strongly related to drawing, so I prefer it for scenes that suggest a graphic approach, such as urban scenes.”
— Francesco Fontana

Read the full article in PleinAir Magazine, June/July 2020:

Plein Air Magazine


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