by Kathryn Stotler, acrylic

By Andrew Webster

Artist Kathryn Stotler, an acrylic plein air specialist, is currently displaying her newest works alongside jewelry and ceramics by Gilbert Castro at Arcata Artisans Gallery in California. What do her current brush musings look like?

Widely recognized for her interpretive plein air landscapes, artist Kathry Stotler has turned her creative attention to Humboldt County, California’s rocks and cliffs during a current exhibition in Arcata, California. According to the gallery, “Stotler does not like to paint man-made structures and leaves them out of most of her paintings. She prefers to capture the landscape as a living, breathing being. Her painting is how she connects with what is real in the world. She is self-taught although not without the influence of several notable teachers in the area. She has been a protégé of Mimi La Plant for the past four years and is an ardent student, working several hours a day to perfect her style.”

by Kathryn Stotler, acrylic

Stotler is a featured artist at Arcata Artisans Gallery in November, and her works will remain on view through December 1. Using lines to search out and traverse the crevices and facets of boulders, she brings the boulders into microscopic view in this current body of work. Her search is for how they are put together and how they support one another. Each piece is imbued with an intense caring about the natural world and where we humans are in it. Alongside her paintings are the works of Gilbert Castro, another featured artist for the gallery.

To learn more, visit Arcata Artisans Gallery.

This article was featured in PleinAir Today, a weekly e-newsletter from PleinAir magazine. To start receiving PleinAir Today for free, click here.


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