Future plein air painters
Future plein air painters

We love to hear from the Plein Air Today community! The following is part of a series that spotlights an artist who loves painting outdoors.

Today’s feature comes from Linda Lea Bertrand:

“I am happy that my effort to start the interest and practice of painting at a young age is getting some recognition. I started my great niece and nephew with finger painting at 15 months old. They graduated to poster paint and now watercolor with their own pochade boxes.

“I only give them primary colors so we work on mixing colors and matching to the things they want to paint. As soon as they come to my house to visit they ask for their painting boxes. No great quotes yet except ‘I want to paint’ or ‘When can we paint?’

“I try to include painting in any outside activities we do.”

Related: When you paint with us at Fall Color Week (start here), you’ll enjoy seven days of magic, friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Become a better outdoor painter today when you get the FREE e-Book for artists, “240 Plein Air Painting Tips.” [click here]

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