De-Modernizing a Castle

Some people may see a tourist stop; an artist will see a fine pastoral scene. Egon Miklavcic told us about his process and the importance of editing.

The painter came across this scene in the mountains of Austria, and he was not deterred by the crowds or the newer buildings surrounding his subject. “There is no need to paint everything you see,” Micklavcic said simply. “A point of interest is like a bride in a marriage. Everybody has to serve only her, and you shouldn’t have a second bride besides her.”

For Miklavcic, editing is part of the preparatory process that the medium of watercolor demands of him. But first, he wants a shady spot that discourages people from looking over his shoulder. “I always try to get familiar with my motif first,” he says, “and therefore walk around looking for the best view, the best light and shadow, and nice details. I also take some photos so if the weather changes, I can finish it later.”

The artist has no problem eliminating elements large and small from the scene. He is opposed to modern cars, traffic signs, and fences, if they don’t serve his composition. And he has one more pet peeve: “No rooftop satellite dishes on a castle.”

(Due to the age of this post, some images may be missing from this article)


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