In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote from a recent issue.
Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: “Canyonlands From Deadhorse Point”
“For many years now my intention has been not to complete finished paintings in the field but rather to use outdoor painting as the source for gathering ideas and color notes. I stop as soon as the change in light affects my subject matter. Many of my field studies now look like a fractured raw mosaic of color note taking, and there’ll often be a lot of blank canvas left. The intent is totally different; I just want to harvest as much information as I can and keep it as close to being a pure record of what I saw as possible.”
— Jill Carver (“Then & Now,” Feb-Mar 2021 PleinAir Magazine)
Read the full article in Plein Air Magazine, February/March 2021, and subscribe at, so you never miss an issue!