Nearly 100 artists gathered last week at Paul Smith’s College, deep in the Adirondacks of New York just 30 miles from the Canadian border, for Publisher’s Invitational Paint Out 3.0, organized by PleinAir magazine. Click through to see who attended the special event run by Eric Rhoads.
Invited painters converge on the Visitor Interpretive Center on the first full day of painting to catch scenes of Heron Swamp.
C.W. Mundy finished a strong painting of Heron Swamp in the morning.
Participants were greeted with perfect weather for the event — light-jacket temperatures in the early morning, T-shirt temps in the afternoon sun. The variety of greens in the Adirondacks had artists stretching their color-mixing skills, with light, yellowy greens in the young ferns and new growth, and dark, sturdy greens in the hemlocks and pines. Although the skies and air were mostly clear, distant mountains lightened and blued in the atmosphere. Pine needles and dirt on the ground created a very warm foil to the scene.
The historic buildings at White Pine Camp — once the summer retreat for President Calvin Coolidge — offer diverse subject matter for painters.
Vivian Morrison paints a ravishing scene at White Pine Camp.
At night, artists gathered to review each other’s paintings, sip wine and beer, and listen to multitalented artists C.W. Mundy and Rick Wilson play acoustic music. Participants slept hard at night and popped up eager to paint early the next day. Why isn’t more of life like this?