Plein Air Painters of New Mexico
Richard Abraham, “Apache Arroyo,” oil, 11 x 14 in.

From Carla Forrest (Chair – 10th National Juried Members Exhibition)

The 10th National Juried Members Exhibition is a juried show and sale of original two-dimensional plein air artworks presented by the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico (PAPNM) from November 2 through November 25, 2018. For the third year, the exhibition will be hosted by Sorrel Sky Gallery, one of Santa Fe’s most prestigious and respected galleries, located in the heart of Santa Fe about a block from the historic plaza. The public and collectors are invited to attend the opening reception on November 2 and view the exhibition at Sorrel Sky Gallery.

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico
Joe Anna Arnett, “Wandering Wildflowers,” oil, 11 x 14 in.

Juried artists will compete for awards valued at over $15,000 in cash and merchandise prizes. The 2018 judge of awards will be internationally acclaimed artist Ray Roberts, Signature Member of Plein Air Painters of America. Jurors of selection are Peter Grab, last year’s Best of Show winner, Jane Hunt PAPNM Master Signature Member, and Shanan Campbell Wells, Owner, Sorrel Sky Gallery.

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico
Tom Blazier, “Hiker’s Reward,” oil, 11 x 14 in.

The show committee has scheduled a full weekend of exciting events for all PAPNM members in addition to the gala opening and awards presentation. Plans are in the works for a social paint-out, a demonstration by awards judge Ray Roberts, and a celebration dinner for members and their guests on Saturday night.

Plein Air Painters of New Mexico
John Meister, “Prickly Heat,” oil, 9 x 12 in.

For more information about the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico 10th National Juried Members Exhibition, please visit

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