Sara Linda Poly, "Mountains and Long Shadows," oil, 12 x 16 in.

6-Step Landscape Painting Demo: Painting Back to Front

Watch and learn as Sara Linda Poly shows how her landscape painting, "Mountains and Long Shadows," came to be.
On the easel of Michele Usebelli

On the Easel: Michele Usebelli

"What's on my easel? Working with gouache to add texture relief to my watercolors. Putting my own twist on these water-based mediums."
"La Jolla Coastline" by Mark Fehlman

It’s Spring and He’s Ready for the Road

It appears that the winter rains and snow are finally evolving into an amazing spring...
Landscape painter Rick J. Delanty

Let’s Talk About the “T” Word

Excerpt: Landscape painter Rick J. Delanty addresses a misconception that “non-artists” seem to have about …

I’m back. Did you miss me?

After five weeks away, today is my first official day back at my desk, and I thought I’d share some observations about what I learned, what I learned about myself, and what I learned that will benefit you.
A temple in Kyoto, seen during the Plein Air Japan trip

Photo Essay: Plein Air Japan, An Artist’s Dream

Passion for plein air painting drives us to explore new adventures. Two weeks ago a group of 35 plein air artists enjoyed a lifetime...

When Events Benefit a Plein Air Artist

PleinAir magazine editor M. Stephen Doherty generally reports on the painting processes, motivations, and philosophical outlooks of plein air painters in his writing, but...
Plein air painting - “San Diego Lagoon,” by Rita Pacheco, oil on panel, 6 x 8 in.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Land of 1,000 Paintings

People sometimes tell Rita Pacheco that they will be visiting the Carlsbad, California, area, and ask her where she recommends they go paint. Without hesitation, she directs them to this place.

Snow Scenes

Painting snowy landscapes presents a number of challenges to plein air painters, beginning with the fact that the outdoor temperatures are low and can make it difficult for cold fingers to manipulate stiff or frozen paint.
Plein Air Unleashed -

Outdoor Painters Spotlight: Plein Air Unleashed

Get to know this group of artists, whose passion for painting outdoors has led led them to build an annual event with a special goal.
Plein air painting

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: View From Churchview Street

In this series, Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of PleinAir Magazine, shares a favorite painting from a previous issue.
Painting en plein air

The First 15 Minutes of Plein Air Painting

Virginia Vovchuk, organizer of “Plein Air on the Santa Cruz,” shares the list of show winners and takes us behind the scenes into her painting experiences.
Plein air watercolor

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Gull Cove

In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting from the current issue.
Plein air paintings - Jim McVicker

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Ryan Paints Fishing Boats

In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting from the current issue.
Plein air oil painting

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Aeolian Yacht Club, Alameda

Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting. This week's feature is “Aeolian Yacht Club, Alameda” by Hsin-Yao Tseng.
Sara Linda Poly, “Looking East,” 2018, oil, 12 x 12 in., Collection the artist, Plein air

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Looking East

Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote. This week's feature is “Looking East” by Sara Linda Poly.
Plein Air Prompt: Paint or Draw a Still Life

Plein Air Prompt: Paint or Draw a Still Life

Create a painting inspired by our creative art prompts, and your art could be featured in Plein Air Today!
Plein air paintings Lyn Boyer

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: For Sale by Owner

Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote. This week's feature is "For Sale by Owner" by Lyn Boyer.

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: “Bondurant”

Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote. This week's feature is "Bondurant" by Kimball Geisler.
Watercolor painting on an easel by Indiana river

Painting Indiana Rivers: Using Art to Highlight Conservation

How do you paint 100 landscapes of 20 rivers without them looking alike? See how these plein air painters are dedicating their time to both painting and the environment, and how folks from artists to anglers are helping them discover each location's unique features.