Plein Air for Beginners

If you’re new to painting outdoors with watercolor, pastel, oil, or acrylic, start here with advice from seasoned plein air artists.

Backpacks for plein air painting

The Best Backpacks for Plein Air Painting

There are as many backpack brands and styles as there are colors in the western sunset, so what’s the best backpack for artists who paint en plein air? We asked, and you answered! (Bonus: Watch a free video from Eric Rhoads on how to pack a light plein air backpack.)
Plein air painting in Chicago

Plein Air Painting and Personal Safety

This could save your life > Get expert tips from a Chicago artist on how plein air painters can be safe while painting outdoors in public spaces.
Katy Smith's setup for painting landscapes

How Much Should Your Plein Air Painting Gear Weigh?

There’s a mental freedom we associate with painting outdoors, but that lightness can easily be juxtaposed with the ...

The Best Plein Air Umbrellas for Artists

What's the best umbrella for plein air painting? We asked, and you answered! Here's what artists from our community had to share, including some helpful photos.
Plein air painter Randall Cogburn

A 260-Mile Plein Air Relay

Is it possible to participate in two distant plein air events in the same week? This ambitious artist pushes the limits to find out. Bonus: Includes a list of tips for your next plein air event!
On painting landscapes - mountains and composition

A Pep Talk for Beginners and Frustrated Art Students

If you weren't naturally handed a free pass to excellence or are coming to art late in the game, John Hughes has an encouraging message for you.
Plein air landscape painting

Plein Air Painting and the Need for Speed

Do you feel pressured to paint faster when en plein air? If you're tempted to practice the "smash and grab" technique, you might want to think twice. Here's why.
Ginny Good painting en plein air

Just Do the Preliminary Sketch – and 25 Other Painting Aha Moments

Do you remember the first time a painting concept clicked for you? For these Dreamliners, the big "aha" moment came during plein air workshops, painting travels, and even at Streamline events such as Plein Air Live, the world's first online art conference. Keep reading to see if you've shared some of these special moments!
drawing architecture landcapes - Thom Rozendaal

Architectural Subjects: To Paint or Draw?

When this artist approaches architecture as a subject in the landscape, certain factors determine if the resulting art will be a drawing or a painting. See why...
Landscape oil painting demonstration

4-Step Plein Air Oil Painting Demonstration

For plein air beginners: See how oil painter Anthony Salvo paints "Sparkling Cliffs, Inspiration Point," in four basic steps that you can apply to your next landscape.
Painting for beginners

The Best Plein Air Easels for Artists

What’s the best easel for plein air painting? We asked, and you answered! Dozens of artists share what their favorite plein air easels are, including why they’re top choice.
John MacDonald painting en plein air

Six Keys to Painting Trees with Character and Dimension

To avoid trees that look generic or pasted on, follow these tips for painting compelling contours, varied sky holes, and details at a range of distances.
Painting outdoors - watercolor

Plein Air Watercolor Tips and Tricks

When time is of the essence and access to supplies is limited, you must be prepared to make the most of what you have. Plein air watercolor painter Frank Costantino offers his best advice for how to handle just about any outdoor painting situation.
Plein air landscape painting critiques

Plein Air Society Starts Online Painting Critiques

"Artists that have trained their ability to look beyond the detail ... are able to make stronger, more captivating art."
The 10 Most Common Mistakes Painters Make |

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Painters Make

Tackle these common issues to start making better paintings sooner rather than later with this painting advice from John Cosby.
Plein Air Convention & Expo

FREE: The Ultimate Plein Air 101 Guide for Artists

If you’re an artist, chances are you’ve already practiced plein air painting and maybe don’t even realize it! Some artists paint en plein air for years before realizing they’re part of the world’s largest art movement.
Color Corner: 10 Artists Share What’s on Their Palette

Color Corner: 10 Artists Share What’s on Their Palette

We asked some of your favorite plein air artists about their palettes and what colors — and brands — they use to create stunning landscapes.
Plein air for beginners - Carrie Curran -

7 Things to Consider When Painting a Landscape Outdoors

Painting outdoors gives you so many options! Get insider notes from Carrie Curran's advice on "Plein Air Basics."
How to paint landscapes -

The Visual Tools You Need to Create Atmospheric Perspective

Master these elements to give your paintings a powerful sense of atmospheric depth.
Painting en plein air - Tamera Menard Ovall -

Getting Started in the Field

New to painting en plein air? Get advice for painting outdoors with this excerpt from the new book “Plein Air Painting Tips and Tales.”