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Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Woman artist in front of a painting on an easel

Artist Spotlight: Carol Strock Wasson

For Carol Strock Wasson, painting outdoors became a way of life, and she learned successful painting is no accident — its years of learning, painting, and connections with other artists.

Artist Spotlight: Anne Blair Brown

What inspires you? Anne Blair Brown: I find inspiration everywhere. I do not necessarily paint “things”, but rather I focus on light, atmosphere, and color....

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Briggs, NWS, NWWS

How do you describe success? Cindy Briggs: At a PACE event, I remember Eric Rhoads asking the group, “Do you want to be rich, famous...
John Constable, "Cloud Study: Stormy Sunset," 1821-1822, oil on paper, mounted on canvas, 8 x 10 3/4 in., National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Louise Mellon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, plein air

John Constable: A Student of the Sky

Plein Air Heritage: John Constable felt that a thorough understanding of the formation of clouds, their influence on the quality of light...
Painting outdoors in Virginia

My Favorite Place to Paint: Julia Lesnichy

When you come from a relatively flat part of Russia, thrilling mountain vistas are both a joy and a challenge. Just ask Julia Lesnichy.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Kami Mendlik

Kami Mendlik appreciates travel. She loves to paint beautiful places. But one part of the country has a subtle beauty that can make her...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Jill Stefani Wagner and Psychedelic Pink

Jill Stefani Wagner will tell you how the students teach the teachers and the teachers explore with the students in the drama-free, prima donna-averse atmosphere of the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE). It’s one of the reasons she loves being on the faculty there.
Artist David Leffel

David Leffel Earns Lifetime Achievement Award

We wish to congratulate master artist David Leffel for earning a Lifetime Achievement Award. Watch a touching mini-documentary about his life and his path to becoming a legend.
How to paint landscapes - OutdoorPainter.com

Creating Powerful Compositions, and More, with Mark Fehlman

Enjoy an exclusive Q&A with plein air painter Mark Fehlman on his composition checklist, the most important tool artists have, and more.
Artist Cynthia Rosen painting outside in snowy Vermont.

Artist Spotlight: Cynthia Rosen

Cynthia Rosen finds as an artist, she is on an interesting, never-ending journey with inspirations and discoveries around the next bend.
How to paint landscapes

How to Paint Landscapes: A Q&A with Kathleen Hudson

Kathleen Hudson (who is on the faculty of the Plein Air Convention) has been drawn to the landscape since childhood. Here, she explains her process of how to paint landscapes.
Artist sitting, posing with his wall of painitngs

Artist Spotlight: Marc Anderson

How did you get started and then develop your career? Marc Anderson: I got my “professional” start as a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. I’d been...
Brienne Brown painting en plein air in Crested Butte, CO

Artist Spotlight: Brienne M Brown

What is the best thing about being an artist? Brienne M Brown: The best thing about being an artist is that I can travel and...
Kimball Geisler, “Winter Derelicts,” Oil, 45 x 50 in.

Plein Air Painting as a Game of Chess

On plein air painting > Kimball Geisler discovered a love for nature and the plein air life in countless intriguing natural landscapes.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Bill Guffey

Bill Guffey's favorite place to paint is man-made, but it's wild and natural. It's in farm country, but it's public property. It's scenic in...

Anatomy of an Award Winner: Jason Sacran and an EnPleinAirTEXAS Time Crunch

For Jason Sacran, there’s nothing like a deadline … and some serendipity.

Ken Karlic’s Sophisticated Chaos

Prolific artist Ken Karlic teamed up with Daniel Smith Watercolors to offer a comprehensive look into his creative process, a process he then applies to other media.
PleinAir Salon - OutdoorPainter.com

The Painting Process of a Winning Artist

Please help us congratulate Jerry Markham for winning first place in the recent bi-monthly PleinAir Salon. In this exclusive spotlight, Markham shares his secrets to success.
PleinAir Salon bi-monthly art competition winner

On Painting “Logan Street Sunset”

Congratulations to Gavin Glakas, whose oil painting "Logan Street Sunset" won in a recent bi-monthly PleinAir Salon. In this spotlight, Glakas tells about how the Charleston-inspired painting came to be.
Watercolor painting of peaceful body fo water on a foggy morning

Artist Spotlight: Brienne M. Brown

For artist Brienne M. Brown, she made art a priority in her life, and instead of trying to find the time; she started to make the time to paint.