Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Early Influences: Robert Masla

In this occasional series, we talk to plein air artists about a piece of art that inspired them when they were young. Our first...

Freeing a River, Painting the Progress

Paola Fiorelle Berthoin feels strongly about removing obsolete dams to help a river become free-flowing and healthy, and she's found a way to help...

Painting the Hudson From a 155-Foot Bridge

  Robert Eckes planned on painting the view from the 1,300-foot Bear Mountain, but the wind blew over his easel, and he packed up to...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Kami Mendlik

Kami Mendlik appreciates travel. She loves to paint beautiful places. But one part of the country has a subtle beauty that can make her...

Visiting All National Parks, “To Preserve and Protect”

Fitz Maurice made it personal. Many people love our national parks, but she is visiting all 59, because she wants to make sure she...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Francesco Fontana

Francesco Fontana's favorite spot is one created by a famous Impressionist painter, one of the greats who helped launch the current plein air movement....

“Blowing Out the Edges”

Utah artist Michelle Condrat suggests motion in her paintings through an unusual method.  "Bareback," by Michelle Condrat, oil, 12 x...

When Paintings Become Poems

Back in February, PleinAir Today reported on two shows that were joining poetry with plein air painting. The "En Plein Air" show at the...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Vanessa and Andre Stashinski

A few weeks back, PleinAir Today reported on a porcine visitor Vanessa and Andre Stashinski encountered when painting in Tel Hadid, Israel. Despite such...

Meet Mike Barr, the PleinAir Salon’s February/March Winner

Australian painter Mike Barr feels drawn to rainy streets and empty beaches -- two subjects that lend themselves well to a narrow range of...

Drawing on Oil Paint

Sarah Baptist is digging deep, down through her layers of oil paint, down through the lessons she has learned from Diebenkorn's work. The result? ...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Tom Bluemlein

Tom Bluemlein, one of the instructors at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE), has seen people in painting workshops act terribly nervous. He...

Blackwood Paints Rhoads

Susan Blackwood, an instructor at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) and the subject of an upcoming feature story in PleinAir magazine, will...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Cheryl St. John

Cheryl St. John's favorite place to paint is a secret that is not so secret anymore.  "Bristlecones and Wildflowers," by...

Learning How to Paint, Again (For the First Time)

After years of painting, with sales and some success, Lennie Mullaney was told that she "had no idea how to paint." It was strong...

Paintings Tough Enough for the Range

Colorado artist Marianna M. Duford has found success in various pursuits but has never followed a traditional path. So it's not surprising that recently...

Choosing Colors to Use in Antarctica

Ann Justin decided to celebrate a big birthday by going on a spectacular painting trip to the "bottom" of the globe. What colors would...

Costantino in Demand

Frank M. Costantino is an instructor at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) and an in-demand leader of workshops or "seminars." And the...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Brian Buckrell

Brian Buckrell's favorite place to paint combines the primitive with the comfortable. Shouldn't the best plein air painting spots be just so?  ...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Clive Tyler

"If you just put down a color, it just sits there," says Clive Tyler. What does this New Mexico pastelist and instructor at the...