Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

My Favorite Place to Paint: Mark Mehaffey

"Something should be most of a painting." That's what Mark Mehaffey says, and he says that while considering the landscape around his home in...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Eric Wiegardt

Washington State watercolorist Eric Wiegardt is process-oriented, but he loves the product, too. The artist, who is on the faculty at the Plein Air...

Do Painting and Ice Skating Mix?

Judging from the experience of Deborah Lazar, the answer is yes -- and no.  Vermont painter Deborah Lazar recently posted a...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Stephanie Birdsall

Stephanie Birdsall, a pastelist who will be offering instruction and a demonstration at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) in Monterey, California, in...

Central Park’s Plein Air Past

Central Park, the green lung of New York City, the cool, shady resting spot for summer-soaked New Yorkers, the Olmsted masterpiece of landscape design,...

Painting the Best Building in Town

Texas has 254 counties, and in many county seats the courthouse is the most striking building in town. Michael Holter has noticed this, and...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Elizabeth Mowry

Master pastelist Elizabeth Mowry will be on stage at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) in Monterey, California, in April, but she won't...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Kim Casebeer

Kim Casebeer is definitely a pastelist who has much to share with both oil painters and other pastelists. Her scheduled demonstration at the Plein...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Michael Reardon

Michael Reardon, a watercolorist and featured instructor at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) was actually surprised to find out there were oil...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Kevin McCain

When Kevin McCain goes to his favorite place to paint, he goes home -- home to a place where movie studios, pop stars, and...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: John P. Lasater IV

What's the big deal about painting a nocturne? You just have to figure out how to get some light, right? John P. Lasater IV...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Joe Anna Arnett

Joe Anna Arnett is a restless soul. Her approach to painting is constantly mutating, but there are a few things participants at the Plein...

A Jungle in the Suburbs, A Wild Stream in an Office Park

Donald Neff has always been drawn to the quiet little spots in our world. "Give me a little ditch with some water -- that...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Ria Krishnan

Lily pads, wooded trails, and, most important, trees are all at Ria Krishnan's favorite place to paint, just 10 miles from her home.  ...

Not Idle in Winter: Pamela Ruschman

Idle in winter? That would mean being idle for nearly half the year in Wisconsin. Pamela Ruschman has other ideas, and a prejudice against...

Painting Amidst a Pitched Battle

R. Gregory Summers knew this painting experience was going to be quite different. But suddenly there were people falling down all around his feet,...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Bill Guffey

Bill Guffey's favorite place to paint is man-made, but it's wild and natural. It's in farm country, but it's public property. It's scenic in...

Putting Many Colors in the Shadows

A painting by California artist Kim VanDerHoek ably demonstrated the artist's prerogative to look closely for somewhat unexpected colors in a scene to strengthen...
Eric Rhoads, Plein Air magazine

Publisher Eric Rhoads – My Story

My company mantra is that we only do business in areas we love. We refuse to spend our time on subjects and projects just for revenue alone. We love art. We love figurative work. We love doing PleinAir magazine.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Carol Smith Myer

It's called Rush Creek, but it's more of a wetlands area, with an estimated 196 species of birds enjoying the nature preserve's 522 acres...