Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Oil painting of a dilapidated old building

Artist Spotlight: Barb Walker

Workshops, videos, painting with other painters, and countless hours looking at paintings in galleries and museums have been this artist’s never-ending education.
Boudin painting of ships

Monet’s Hat Tip to Boudin

As a plein air artist, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about those who have helped start this movement in some way, and be inspired ...
Photo of a female artist painting on a bluff by the ocean

Artist Spotlight: Mary McIntosh

After retirement in the film industry as a Set Decorator for some 42 years on the west coast, Mary was able to return to her first love of drawing and painting.
artist posing for a picture while painting at the easel outside

Artist Spotlight: Manon Sander

How did you develop your unique style? Manon Sander: Taste in art is very personal. My style of choice is impressionism, as the expressive brushwork...

When Paintings Become Poems

Back in February, PleinAir Today reported on two shows that were joining poetry with plein air painting. The "En Plein Air" show at the...
Lindsey Kustusch plein air painting

Indoors, Outdoors, and Back Again

A devoted studio painter, Lindsey Kustusch took the leap into plein air and discovered a way to maximize both experiences.
Plein air art history

Colorado’s First Female Resident Artist

As a plein air painter, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about one of the women who helped start this movement in some way, and be inspired to continue your own journey.
Woman artist painting outdoors right near crashing waves

Artist Spotlight: Debra Joy Groesser

Debra Joy Groesser is drawn to almost any subject depending on the light, the color and the atmosphere. Many times, she’ll set out on a painting excursion with a specific place in mind only to have something else catch her eye on the way.
Brienne Brown painting en plein air in Crested Butte, CO

Artist Spotlight: Brienne M Brown

What is the best thing about being an artist? Brienne M Brown: The best thing about being an artist is that I can travel and...
artist taking a photo of herself in her studio

Artist Spotlight: LAUREL DANIEL

How do you find inspiration? Laurel Daniel: Ever inspired by big skies and dramatic cloud dances, Laurel Daniel’s new work offers further insight into her...
Plein Air Salon art competition

Abandoned to Sunset

On painting the landscape: "...when we do what we are meant to do, at this moment, our action can inspire and touch the lives of others." Joshua Cunningham takes us behind the scenes of his winning painting, "Abandoned at Sunset."

Artist Spotlight: Jessie Rasche

How did you get started and then develop your career? Jessie Rasche: 15 years ago I became a professional fine artist, starting with tiny still...
Plein air artist Don Demers

Artist Spotlight: Donald Demers

Interesting fact: His maritime experience came about as a crew member aboard many traditional sailing vessels including schooners and square-riggers. Learn more about this plein air painter, and be inspired.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Bill Guffey

Bill Guffey's favorite place to paint is man-made, but it's wild and natural. It's in farm country, but it's public property. It's scenic in...
Jessie with “Space”, oil, 24x60 in, in the public collection of the Edith Sanford Breast Center

Artist Spotlight: Jessie Rasche

How did you develop your unique style? Jessie Rasche: I’m teaching a workshop right now on how to find and develop your authentic artistic voice,...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Tom Bluemlein

Tom Bluemlein, one of the instructors at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE), has seen people in painting workshops act terribly nervous. He...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Stephanie Birdsall

Stephanie Birdsall, a pastelist who will be offering instruction and a demonstration at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) in Monterey, California, in...
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, "Monet Painting in His Garden at Argenteuil," 1873, oil on canvas, 18 x 23 5/8 in.

A Renoir of Monet

While staying with Claude Monet at his home in the village of Argenteuil on the outskirts of Paris, Pierre-Auguste Renoir captured ...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Sculptor Marsha Brook’s Dedication to Social Activism

Marsha Brook has enjoyed a successful career as a sculptor, and she has dedicated the rest of her career to sculpting portraits of people who work to improve society. She’ll discuss this during an exclusive demonstration at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) next month in San Diego.
Kimball Geisler, “Winter Derelicts,” Oil, 45 x 50 in.

Plein Air Painting as a Game of Chess

On plein air painting > Kimball Geisler discovered a love for nature and the plein air life in countless intriguing natural landscapes.