Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Artist Spotlight: Barb Walker

Barb Walker: Confession. I don’t always draw in preparation for a painting. Actually, almost never unless the light is so fleeting that a quick...
John Constable, "Cloud Study: Stormy Sunset," 1821-1822, oil on paper, mounted on canvas, 8 x 10 3/4 in., National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Louise Mellon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, plein air

John Constable: A Student of the Sky

Plein Air Heritage: John Constable felt that a thorough understanding of the formation of clouds, their influence on the quality of light...
Plein air artists -

Artist, Mother, Muse

Maybe it is the balance this artist has found in life that spills into the balance of color, design, and expression of life found in her paintings.
Plein air painting -

Painting Outdoors Since 1948: A Community Member Spotlight

Recently, one of our dedicated readers reached out to us to say hello and connect, which is part of what the plein air community is all about. Meet John Killmaster, who kindly took the time to answer a few questions about his artistic journey so that you can be inspired in yours.
Oil painting of a city

The Challenge of Painting “Crossing Light”

The story of my painting "Crossing Light" is all about light and how it leads the eye around the painting and then lands on the main character in the immediate foreground. But first I should back up and explain why I chose to paint this scene...
Andrew Borg and his plein air painting

A Scene Worth Its Salt

Malta painter Andrew Borg found beauty in a historical salt manufacturing compound. He explains his process and the site’s history here.
Claude Monet Peony Garden; plein air artists

Monet’s Anathema

As a plein air artist, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about Claude Monet ...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Poppy and Point Prim

Lighthouses are such wonderful subjects, aren’t they? They project into the sky with brilliant designs from sandy and rocky shores and are beacons of hope for weary sailors. For accomplished outdoor painter Poppy Balser, there will always be a special place in her heart for Point Prim. Discover why here.
Painting outdoors in Virginia

My Favorite Place to Paint: Julia Lesnichy

When you come from a relatively flat part of Russia, thrilling mountain vistas are both a joy and a challenge. Just ask Julia Lesnichy.

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Debra Joy Groesser

Nebraska painter Debra Joy Groesser may prefer to paint outside, but she has a system down for working indoors -- one that some of...
Hsin-Yao Tseng, "Lantern Light," 2017,oil, 12 x 9 in., Private collection, Plein air painting

Hsin-Yao Tseng’s Unending Ambition for Plein Air Painting

Go "behind the easel" and learn Hsin-Yao Tseng's plein air painting techniques, which are driven by his unending ambition to make better paintings.

PACE Faculty: Watercolorist Stewart White

We'll occasionally showcase new and notable instructors at the Plein Air Convention & Expo, starting with a person who was a ceaseless advocate for...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Thomas Kegler and Art Contagions

Perhaps, on some level, attending the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) is dangerous. You may come home permanently changed.
Rebecca Arguello, "Carpinteria Bluffs 2," 2020, oil, 12 x 16 in., Available from artist, Plein air and studio

Today’s Inspiration: Expressive Realism

Contemporary plein air and studio painter Rebecca Arguello shares her inspiration, her biggest aha moment, and the art advice she wished she had heard earlier in her career. 
Larry Cannon, “South Laguna View” created in the Laguna Beach Plein Air Invitational, 10 x 14 in., watercolor on paper

Artist Spotlight: Larry Cannon

This PleinAir Live 2021 Faculty artist was exposed to watercolor in college as part of his architectural training and notes specific moments in his early years of painting that changed his life.
artist posing with her painting out in field

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Harris

Cindy Harris: For many years I have found inspiration by traveling with other artists to amazing locations. This gives me focused time away from...

Artist Spotlight: Theodore Heublein

How do you find inspiration? Theodore Heublein: I am the first to paint underwater in the kelp beds of the Monterey area and Point Lobos...
Painting landscapes en plein air

Vantage Points: Part 1

There is something elemental and powerful about responding directly to nature. Ken Knight shares his approach to plein air painting.
plein air painting at a campsite

A Day in the Life of … Mary Garrish

What's it like to be a pro artist who lives and works from an RV? Mary Garrish takes us a day-in-the-life plein air painting tour to find out.

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Briggs, NWS, NWWS

How do you describe success? Cindy Briggs: At a PACE event, I remember Eric Rhoads asking the group, “Do you want to be rich, famous...