Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Brian Sindler, "Ephraim Yacht Club," 2013, acrylic on board, 6 x 6 in., Primitive (Chicago)

Brian Sindler’s Full-Spectrum Stylistic Evolution

There is a lot of superb art being made these days; here, writer Allison Malafronte shines light on a gifted individual. Based in Northbrook, Illinois, Brian Sindler creates both plein air and studio landscapes.

Artist as Collector: Barry Koplowitz

Pennsylvania artist Barry Koplowitz collects art, but not many paintings. What moves him to pick the few he has?

My Favorite Place to Paint: Francesco Fontana

Francesco Fontana's favorite spot is one created by a famous Impressionist painter, one of the greats who helped launch the current plein air movement....

My Favorite Place to Paint: Ria Krishnan

Lily pads, wooded trails, and, most important, trees are all at Ria Krishnan's favorite place to paint, just 10 miles from her home.  ...
Caitlin Leline Hatch, "Morning Chores,” watercolor on paper, 10 x 11 in.

A Rural Heart, in Art and Life

This watercolor artist pushes pause on our distracted, modern lives, and invites us to consider overlooked moments of natural beauty.
Painting outdoors in Virginia

My Favorite Place to Paint: Julia Lesnichy

When you come from a relatively flat part of Russia, thrilling mountain vistas are both a joy and a challenge. Just ask Julia Lesnichy.
Artist painting outdoors in a canoe

Artist Spotlight: Manon Sander

Manon Sander fell head over heels in love with painting, especially plein air because it turns painting into an adventure. She realized that in order to grow as an artist, she had to dedicate herself to painting exclusively.
Plein air watercolor painting

Plein Air Spotlight: Joseph Zbukvic

Please help us welcome watercolor artist Joseph Zbukvic as a newly announced faculty member for PACE. See a gallery of his work in this spotlight.
Plein Air Magazine

Convention Preview: Scott L. Christensen

What information and inspiration can you expect to receive from the demonstrators and speakers who will be part of the Plein Air Convention &...
PleinAir Salon -

The Painting Process of a Winning Artist

Please help us congratulate Jerry Markham for winning first place in the recent bi-monthly PleinAir Salon. In this exclusive spotlight, Markham shares his secrets to success.
Painting landscapes en plein air

Vantage Points: Part 1

There is something elemental and powerful about responding directly to nature. Ken Knight shares his approach to plein air painting.
Claude Monet Peony Garden; plein air artists

Monet’s Anathema

As a plein air artist, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about Claude Monet ...
painting landscapes - "Homeward" by Steve Curry

Little by Little

My story starts like most. As a kid I always drew and created, but I was lucky enough to have grown up in a family of artists...
Painting en plein air -

Love of Plein Air, and Citroën Cars

Susan Kendall is both an outdoor painter and a car enthusiast. See how her passions crossed paths, resulting in 8 x 20-foot backdrops for a classic car show.
Camille Pissarro, "The Boulevard Montmartre at Night" painting

Even An Eye Infection Didn’t Stop Him

When this famous artist began to suffer from a recurring eye infection that prevented him from working outdoors, he found a new way to paint the landscape.

Artist Spotlight: Sandhya Sharma

How did you get started and then develop your career? Sandhya Sharma: I had always drawn and painted as a child. Summer vacations were spent...
Plein air watercolor how-to

Not Idle in Winter: Stewart White and Plein Air Watercolor

On plein air watercolor > Baltimore painter and PleinAir Salon Grand Prize winner Stewart White tells us what he does in the winter to keep...
canid photo of artist talking

Artist Spotlight: Charlie Hunter

How Do You Describe Success? Charlie Hunter: One of my favorite songwriters is Fred Eaglesmith. When he was a kid, he says all he wanted...

Artist Spotlight: Jessie Rasche

How did you get started and then develop your career? Jessie Rasche: 15 years ago I became a professional fine artist, starting with tiny still...
Plein air illustrations

Plein Air Heritage: Artist Charles Dana Gibson

As a plein air painter, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about artist Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944) here.