Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: John P. Lasater IV

What's the big deal about painting a nocturne? You just have to figure out how to get some light, right? John P. Lasater IV...

Artist as Collector: Monika Johnson, Finding Inspiration

When Monika Johnson sees someone doing what she tries to do, she finds it inspirational — and she buys the piece. Who’s in her collection?

Find Important Information in the Shadows

“If people start looking for color in the shadow, they will see it,” says Mark Fehlman, one of the featured artists at the Plein Air Convention & Expo. “If they stop and look, compare things, and consider what they want to emphasize most, they will get a lot more out of their observations.” How does Fehlman actually accomplish that?
Painting en plein air -

Love of Plein Air, and Citroën Cars

Susan Kendall is both an outdoor painter and a car enthusiast. See how her passions crossed paths, resulting in 8 x 20-foot backdrops for a classic car show.
Painting landscapes en plein air

Why I Start in the Field

How do you capture that combination of light, aroma, temperature, and freshness of an early morning walk? Mark Fehlman shares his insights on painting landscapes in this guest blog post.
Photo of a female artist painting on a bluff by the ocean

Artist Spotlight: Mary McIntosh

After retirement in the film industry as a Set Decorator for some 42 years on the west coast, Mary was able to return to her first love of drawing and painting.
Plein air painting Uganda - Edak Young, "Nyanya," oil on canvas, 13 x 16 in.

Q&A With Nigerian Artist Edak Young

In a land where plein air painting is an unusual site, this artist is breaking multiple barriers.
Tim Kelly during the filming of his Today Show segment

The Artist Behind the Wheel of a Semi-Trailer

Although you’ll find him behind the wheel of a semi-truck for much of the week, Tim Kelly will be the first to tell you, "I'm a painter that drives a truck."

Then and Now: Making a Pure Record

Plein air artist Jill Carver made some big changes about 10 years ago, focusing on becoming the best painter she can be. Here's how.
Plein Air Magazine

Convention Preview: Scott L. Christensen

What information and inspiration can you expect to receive from the demonstrators and speakers who will be part of the Plein Air Convention &...

Learning How to Paint, Again (For the First Time)

After years of painting, with sales and some success, Lennie Mullaney was told that she "had no idea how to paint." It was strong...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Sculptor Marsha Brook’s Dedication to Social Activism

Marsha Brook has enjoyed a successful career as a sculptor, and she has dedicated the rest of her career to sculpting portraits of people who work to improve society. She’ll discuss this during an exclusive demonstration at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) next month in San Diego.
Landscape painting

The Landscape Guaranteed to Bring You To Tears

The varied and vivid landscapes of this state inspire oil painter Bill Sawczuk to take a more expressive approach to plein air painting when it comes to this subject. “I’ve seen people cry at the effort. They are good painters, but they come here and try to paint these mountains and it wrecks them."
Painting at Jebel Jais - Matt Ryder -

Changing Perceptions of the Middle East, One Painting at a Time

British artist Matt Ryder takes us to the extreme terrain and tricky locations where he paints mountains that “sing with cadmium colors.”
Woman painting outdoors in a hat

Artist Spotlight: Krystal W. Brown

As Krystal states, “Someone is waiting for what you will bring to the world. Why keep them waiting?” Find out what legacy she’d choose to leave with her art.

Fleeting Moments: Plein Air Watercolor

Working quickly and directly, Joseph Zbukvic exploits all the qualities that make plein air painting with watercolor so unique.
plein air watercolor painting of houses

Better With Time

Elements of wear and tear in Mat Barber Kennedy’s textural watercolors show signs of life and how we live it.

Artist Spotlight: Sandhya Sharma

How did you get started and then develop your career? Sandhya Sharma: I had always drawn and painted as a child. Summer vacations were spent...
artist Jennifer reifenberg out in the field, and below, image of "power of gray"

Artist Spotlight: Jennifer Riefenberg

How do you find inspiration? Jennifer Riefenberg: It is with an intimate understanding and a closer-in vantage that artist, Jennifer Riefenberg, seeks in portraying the...

My Favorite Place to Paint: Jennifer L. Hoffman

Wyoming painter Jennifer L. Hoffman takes advantage of "artist's hours" to get a lot of work done in the winter months. Hoffman's setup at South...