Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Artist as Collector: Poppy Balser and ‘One Thing’

Nova Scotia artist Poppy Balser is partial to watercolor—her chosen medium—but she is also partial to demos she's seen painted in person. There's one other trait that attracts her to a piece she is considering for her collection.
Plein air landscapes -

Interview with Russan Artist Vitaly Makarov

Today we spotlight Russian artist Vitaly Makarov and his brilliantly colored plein air landscapes. In this Q&A, he tells us about his artistic development, use of color, and more.
PleinAir Salon art competitions - TJ Cunningham -

Salon Spotlight: From Nortontown

TJ Cunningham shares his inspiration for painting “From Nortontown,” which was a winner in the bi-monthly PleinAir Salon (August/September 2018), in the Best Building category.
The Waterfall painting by Corot

Too Old for Impressionism?

This historic French artist tried to infuse his paintings with a vigorous ...
picture of artist Ryan Jensen painting en Plein Air

Artist Spotlight: Ryan Jensen

How did you get started and develop your career? My earliest memories are of my family and including my father, a painter, and mother, a...
plein air artist

Are Your Colors Too Hot?

Primarily known as a painter of big game, Carl Rungius earned himself a revered position in the canon of plein air painting for his fidelity to ...
Sherry posing with her painting

Artist Spotlight: Sherry Mason

It’s like muscle training for your eyes and why it is so important to try to sketch or paint every single day. It keeps them proficient as much as an athlete is in shape if he trains.
Plein air art history - Alexandre Calame

Plein Air Heritage: A Swiss Landscape

In this piece, Calame eschews the scenes of snow-capped peaks that dominate his oeuvre in favor of a quieter view of the landscape. Rather than forbidding and awe-inspiring, the effect is ...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Joe Anna Arnett

Joe Anna Arnett is a restless soul. Her approach to painting is constantly mutating, but there are a few things participants at the Plein...

Spotlight on PACE Faculty: Karl Dempwolf

Karl Dempwolf is a key figure in California plein air painting, so much so that PleinAir magazine publisher Eric Rhoads will present Dempwolf with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) in April. That’s one of the reasons Dempwolf will be there in San Diego. But why else?

Convention Preview: Find Spiritual & Personal Support

During her presentation at the Plein Air Convention & Expo, Tennessee artist Kathie Odom will reveal that she has been fortunate to find spiritual and personal support as her career skyrocketed to higher levels. What will she recommend to artists in Santa Fe?
Plein air artists community

An Abiding Passion for Painting

After attending this event for the first time, Suzie Baker hasn’t missed a year since. See why, and learn how to get your own spot for 2019.
art history plein air paintiner Thomas Fearnley

Plein Air Heritage: Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842)

As a plein air painter, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about historic artist Thomas Fearnley, who alternated between large, composed landscapes meant for exhibition and smaller, plein air oil sketches.
Female artist standing in front of a large painting on an easel in her studio

Artist Spotlight: Kami Mendlik

In the beginning, artist Kami Mendlik didn’t think of painting as her career, she just knew she needed to paint.
My studio where you can see the plein air version of “Monsoon Monday” to the left next to my larger 30” x 30” studio piece.

Artist Spotlight: Michele Byrne

How do you find inspiration? Michele Byrne: Two years ago I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Here everything inspires me and I feel like...

Artist Spotlight: TINA BOHLMAN

How do I find inspiration? It actually “finds” me! There are 3 deciding factors on whether to paint a scene; 1st is the light; I’m...
Photo of myself painting Mt Washington “en plein air” in the winter. Standing on a bath matt helps keeps my feet warm

Artist Spotlight: Melanie Levitt

How did you get started and then develop your career? Melanie Levitt: I started painting at a young and painted all my life but went...
Eric Rhoads, Plein Air magazine

Publisher Eric Rhoads – My Story

My company mantra is that we only do business in areas we love. We refuse to spend our time on subjects and projects just for revenue alone. We love art. We love figurative work. We love doing PleinAir magazine.

Paintings Tough Enough for the Range

Colorado artist Marianna M. Duford has found success in various pursuits but has never followed a traditional path. So it's not surprising that recently...

It’s Snow, It’s a Drawing…It’s a Painting by Chula

Chula Beauregard discovered an exhilarating aspect of her artist-in-residency at the Carpenter Ranch, located outside of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It involved snow, her 7-year-old, sunshine, and more than 100 other people.