Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

John Constable, "Cloud Study: Stormy Sunset," 1821-1822, oil on paper, mounted on canvas, 8 x 10 3/4 in., National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Louise Mellon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, plein air

John Constable: A Student of the Sky

Plein Air Heritage: John Constable felt that a thorough understanding of the formation of clouds, their influence on the quality of light...
photo of artist with her plein air paintings

Artist Spotlight: Jill Banks

What is the best thing about being an artist? Jill Banks: First, I love painting – that important part of being an artist. I immerse...
C.W. Mundy, “Emily At The Beach,” 2006, Oil on linen, 36 × 24 in.

Passion and Desire: Foundations of the Artistic Process

An interview with artist C.W. Mundy; The following is part of a series featuring a leader in the art community who will be joining us on the faculty of Realism Live, November 9-11, 2023.
Barbara Tapp, "Pink House Stands Alone," 2019, watercolor, 10 x 14 in., Available from artist, Plein air

A Plein Air Portrait of Resilience in Watercolor

Once part of Berkeley’s proud Orchid Nurseries, the Pink House stands isolated but dignified, surrounded by empty lots...
artist with her paintings

Artist Spotlight: Cynthia Rosen

How do I find inspiration? Cynthia Rosen: Whether I paint plein air or in my studio inspiration never is difficult to find. My energy may...
Photo of myself painting Mt Washington “en plein air” in the winter. Standing on a bath matt helps keeps my feet warm

Artist Spotlight: Melanie Levitt

How did you get started and then develop your career? Melanie Levitt: I started painting at a young and painted all my life but went...

Then and Now: Making a Pure Record

Plein air artist Jill Carver made some big changes about 10 years ago, focusing on becoming the best painter she can be. Here's how.
Artist at work

Artist Spotlight: Barb Walker

How do you find inspiration? Barb Walker: This sounds like an easy question to answer, right? There is a saying among painters: “anything in good...

Artist Spotlight: Kathleen Lanzoni

How do you find inspiration? Kathleen Lanzoni: Finding inspiration can come unexpectedly on a walk to the store or sometimes we need to search for...
headshot photo of artist

Artist Spotlight: Tanvi Pathare

How did you get started and then develop your career? Tanvi Pathare: I began at a young age, as I was curious to draw nature....
Keiko Tanabe, "Summer in San Diego," 2017, watercolor, 14 x 20 in., collection the artist, plein air

I Chose Watercolor, But Not Because I Liked It

An interview with Keiko Tanabe on why she paints en plein air with watercolor, her journey to becoming a professional artist, and more.
Artist posing with her paintings

Artist Spotlight: Cynthia Inson

How do you describe success? Cynthia Inson: I describe and realize success as an artist to be related directly to me setting goals, reaching those...
Mary Jane Ward, plein air painting

Plein Air Painting Takes Time and Discipline

Drawing on her background as both a dancer and a graduate of an exacting atelier, this Ohio artist embraces the immediacy of plein air painting along with the rewards of working more slowly and in a considered manner.
Claude Monet Peony Garden; plein air artists

Monet’s Anathema

As a plein air artist, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about Claude Monet ...
Farley Lewis, “Shrimp Trawler,” 2022, acrylic, 18 x 24 in., Available from artist, Studio

Risk Leads to Discovery

This Missouri acrylic painter strives to depict beauty with a mix of simplicity and just enough detail.
Kathleen posing with her paintings in her studio

Artist Spotlight: Kathleen Kalinowski

How do I find inspiration? Kathleen Kalinowski: As a contemporary impressionist painter, the inspiration and concepts which inform my work stem from memory and 30...
Brian Sindler, "Ephraim Yacht Club," 2013, acrylic on board, 6 x 6 in., Primitive (Chicago)

Brian Sindler’s Full-Spectrum Stylistic Evolution

There is a lot of superb art being made these days; here, writer Allison Malafronte shines light on a gifted individual. Based in Northbrook, Illinois, Brian Sindler creates both plein air and studio landscapes.
Sherry posing with her painting

Artist Spotlight: Sherry Mason

It’s like muscle training for your eyes and why it is so important to try to sketch or paint every single day. It keeps them proficient as much as an athlete is in shape if he trains.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, "Monet Painting in His Garden at Argenteuil," 1873, oil on canvas, 18 x 23 5/8 in.

A Renoir of Monet

While staying with Claude Monet at his home in the village of Argenteuil on the outskirts of Paris, Pierre-Auguste Renoir captured ...
Plein air watercolor - Barbara Tapp, "Winter Glimpses," 2021, 10 x 14 in., private collection

Plein Air Watercolor Inspo

Plein air watercolor artist Barbara Tapp loves the transparency of this medium, as it gives her endless possibilities for achieving depth and form.