Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Artist Spotlight: Michael Rossi

How did you get started and then develop your career? Michael Rossi: "Seeing the landscape through my art" Michael Rossi is a self-taught artist who became...
Boudin painting of ships

Monet’s Hat Tip to Boudin

As a plein air artist, you are part of one of the largest art movements in history. Learn about those who have helped start this movement in some way, and be inspired ...
plein air pastel painting - Tom Bailey, “Gold And Sapphires,” pastel, 12 x 18 in.

The Little Melodic Echoes You Don’t Expect

An interview with plein air pastel painter Tom Bailey, who will be among the faculty members of the Pastel Live, August 16-19, 2023.
Brienne Brown painting en plein air in Crested Butte, CO

Artist Spotlight: Brienne M Brown

What is the best thing about being an artist? Brienne M Brown: The best thing about being an artist is that I can travel and...

Artist Spotlight: Lee Macleod

How did you develop your unique style? Lee Macleod: If asked how I developed my unique style, my initial response would be that the answer...
Peggy Immel, plein air painting

A Plein Air Muse

Faced with an abundance of visual stimuli and a world of opportunity on the canvas, New Mexico artist Peggy Immel stays true to her vision by identifying the story of her painting at the start.

Artist Spotlight: Sandhya Sharma

How did you get started and then develop your career? Sandhya Sharma: I had always drawn and painted as a child. Summer vacations were spent...

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Harris

How did you get started and then develop your career? Cindy Harris: I remember painting my first plein air painting in 9th grade art class...
pastel painting - Jill Stefani Wagner, “Promenade,” Pastel on UArt pastel board, 12" x 9", Private collection

Pastel Painting: On Sketches, Composition, and Visual Brainstorming

The following is part of a series that features the best artists who are teaching others pastel painting techniques.
watercolor plein air painting

Wishy-Washy Watercolor? Far From It!

Georgia Mansur reveals how watercolor contributes to her personal aesthetic and enhances her preferred way of working, and why it's the perfect medium for painting en plein air.
Artist posing with her painting en plein air

Artist Spotlight: Carole Belliveau

How did you develop your unique style and why? Carole Belliveau: I put away my brushes determined to teach myself to use new tools such...

Artist Spotlight: Charlie Easton

How do you describe success? Charlie Easton: Success comes in many different forms. Of course I need to pay the mortgage, so recognition and sales...
photo of artist actively painting at raceway

Artist Spotlight: Justin Vining

What is the most interesting thing you have painted? Justin Vining: As a plein air painter, I have found myself in a lot of interesting...
Plein air painting of an Airstream RV

The Big *&#! Shapes

The artistic process of a plein air painter inspired by architecture and the act of "building" a painting.

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Briggs, NWS, NWWS

How do you describe success? Cindy Briggs: At a PACE event, I remember Eric Rhoads asking the group, “Do you want to be rich, famous...
artist posing for a picture while painting at the easel outside

Artist Spotlight: Manon Sander

How did you develop your unique style? Manon Sander: Taste in art is very personal. My style of choice is impressionism, as the expressive brushwork...

Artist Spotlight: Ellen Howard

How did you get started and then develop your career? Ellen Howard: I have always had a strong interest in art and was raised in...
Tim Kelly during the filming of his Today Show segment

The Artist Behind the Wheel of a Semi-Trailer

Although you’ll find him behind the wheel of a semi-truck for much of the week, Tim Kelly will be the first to tell you, "I'm a painter that drives a truck."

Artist Spotlight: TINA BOHLMAN

How do I find inspiration? It actually “finds” me! There are 3 deciding factors on whether to paint a scene; 1st is the light; I’m...
Painting en plein air

11 Lessons From a Traveling Painter

Lori Putnam stops for a moment to share what a decade of painting en plein air and away from home 120 days of the year has taught her.